The Traditional Housing Fair Golf event was held in excellent weather conditions at the old Tarina Golf course. A total of 54 friends of the Housing Fair took part in the event. Results:

The Traditional Housing Fair Golf event was held in excellent weather conditions at the old Tarina Golf course. A total of 54 friends of the Housing Fair took part in the event. Results:
I was deeply impressed by Bruce Oreck’s level of knowledge on environmental issues and energy efficient building. According to Ambassador Oreck, with a categorical decision constructing has been restricted to zero energy buildings in Colorado, Oreck’s home state. Mr. Oreck encouraged the Housing Fair to adopt more ambitious goals than currently in the area of […]
Today we tested the Inssi sauna built at the Kuopio Housing Fair by the Savonia Polytechnic. The sauna has been built on top of a roll-on and it can be maneuvered with the help of a standard passenger car. The Inssi sauna accommodates eight persons. Our sauna guests were MP Juha Mieto, five-time world champion […]
Today, our guest of honour was Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi. The Prime Minister has visited many earlier Housing Fairs and Holiday Housing Fairs, for instance at Valkeakoski in 2009. Ms. Kiviniemi seemed to enjoy herself and spent a full day at the Fair visiting the show houses and exhibitions. She was well informed of the […]
On the 25th of July 2010 I am the only representative of the Housing Fair management in Kuopio. That was a good reason to make an early check round through all the exhibits and show homes. Everything was in reasonably good condition. Our special guests today were MP Jutta Urpilainen, Chairman of the Social Democratic […]
The afternoon was reserved for the Housing Fair 2010 Race arranged by the Rauhalahti roadrunners ( There was no question about it: I would definitely run the half marathon in the series for men over 40 years. Eventually it became clear to me that I was an amateur in a professional race… My time 1.33 […]
In the academic year 2009-2010 I was involved in setting up a course in Housing Design for the Tampere University of Technology architecture students. The dynamic leader of the course was professor Markku Hedman. The students looked at housing from various extraordinary perspectives each approaching the design task from his or her own, well-defined ideology. […]
I had an opportunity to familiarize myself with the Solar Decathlon ( academic competition on energy efficient experimental housing. The Finnish Aalto University participated in the competition with its experimental house called Luukku. The Aalto University placed fifth ( , an excellent outcome for a first-time participant. Congratulations 🙂 ! In Mardrid I saw something […]
The 2010 Kuopio Housing Fair features interesting interior design solutions. This link takes you to photographer Antero Tenhunen’s photos of some of the great interiors.
The entrance gates to the Kuopio Housing Fair will open on 16 July 2010 at 10.00 a.m. Take a first peak into the Housing Fair: