Today we tested the Inssi sauna built at the Kuopio Housing Fair by the Savonia Polytechnic. The sauna has been built on top of a roll-on and it can be maneuvered with the help of a standard passenger car. The Inssi sauna accommodates eight persons. Our sauna guests were MP Juha Mieto, five-time world champion of sauna Timo Kaukonen, Sauna Project Manager Juho Kauppinen and Managing Director of the Kuopio Tourist Services Jari Piirainen. Project Manager Mervi Heiskanen of the Housing Fair supervised the sauna event. The heat in the sauna went up to 105 Celsius degrees but was just barely warmer than the outdoor air, at least in the opinion of the world champion. The rest of us very soon required the cool waves of the lake Kallavesi.

Difficult to believe that this peaceful scene is observed by an audience of hundreds? Kindly note that Juha Mieto is a very tall man (196 cm).
Today 4090 visitors entered the Housing Fair 2010 making the total number of guests for the 13 first opening days 64.761!
Below is another photo memory of myself competing with Juha Mieto. This was taken at the Koli Holiday Housing Fair on 20 June 2006.
On that day we needed ski wax, as always in a good ski competition, but also sun tan lotion and mosquito repellant were absolutely necessary!
Mieto won!