I had a great opportunity to visit the Shanghai World Fair in China on September 10-15, 2010. My condensed report describes some of the experiences and feelings that the visit generated. Shanghai World Fair Report 10-15 Sept. 2010 online publication

I had a great opportunity to visit the Shanghai World Fair in China on September 10-15, 2010. My condensed report describes some of the experiences and feelings that the visit generated. Shanghai World Fair Report 10-15 Sept. 2010 online publication
In the academic year 2009-2010 I was involved in setting up a course in Housing Design for the Tampere University of Technology architecture students. The dynamic leader of the course was professor Markku Hedman. The students looked at housing from various extraordinary perspectives each approaching the design task from his or her own, well-defined ideology. […]
I had an opportunity to familiarize myself with the Solar Decathlon (http://www.sdeurope.org/?lang=en) academic competition on energy efficient experimental housing. The Finnish Aalto University participated in the competition with its experimental house called Luukku. The Aalto University placed fifth (http://www.aalto.fi/fi/current/news/view/2010-06-29-003/) , an excellent outcome for a first-time participant. Congratulations 🙂 ! In Mardrid I saw something […]